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Spell Catalogue

Select the HUD whose spells you wish to view:

HUD Pack Spell Description
Combat AddBan Ban the specified avatar – extended ban via Land Spell Relay
Travel AddTPDest Record the current location for use by teleport spells
Assist Air Roleplay underwater breathing by drawing bubbles of air from above (increases air if SpellFire support is enabled)
Assist AntiLight Dampen any local lights (e.g. facelights, bodylights) around the specified target
Assist AreaHeal Perform SpellFire healing on all within 10m. Heal amount controlled by HUD Damage setting
Travel AstralTravel Visually separates your astral body from your avatar, allowing your camera to travel away from you using your movement keys
Visual Aura Surround the specified avatar in a multispectral glowing aura
Visual Autumn Conjure a cloud of leaves to blow in the wind around the specified avatar
Combat Banish Casts an invisible shell around the target which, when they click on it, transports them 100m away
Combat Barrage Summon boulders to circle the caster, firing forward (does damage if combat is enabled)
Visual Bat Summon a cloud of bats around the specified avatar
Assist Bespeak Project your presence as a glowing orb to speak with the specified avatar and anyone within chat range of them
Combat BlackHole Summon a black hole in front of the specified target, pulling in all avatars within 50m (does damage if combat is enabled)
Combat Blast Summon lightning bolts to blast the specified avatar and throw them a few metres up in the air (does damage if combat is enabled)
Visual Bless Call down blessings upon the specified avatar – stamina and health increase for nearby Spell Fire meters
Combat Block Surround the specified avatar with energy, preventing them from moving (invisible cage)
Visual Bug Summon a swarm of flies around the specified target
Combat Burn Summon magickal flames to burn the specified avatar (does damage if combat is enabled)
Visual Butterfly Create a gentle cloud of butterflies emanating from the specified avatar
Combat Cage Surround the specified avatar in an echanted cage, preventing them from moving
Assist CampFire Summon a ring of stones from the ground, logs from the forests and ignite them in magickal flames
Visual,Assist Candle Summon an enchanted candle to float in front of the specified avatar (or yourself) and light their way
Combat Cannonball Curl up into a ball and hurl yourself at your target. Useful for no-build zones, but does no damage
Combat Carnage Gradually float 5m up in the air whilst firing on all avatars within a 20m (or otherwise specified) range
Travel Carpet Summon a flying carpet to convey you and your passengers
Visual CastOnly Generate spellcasting effects only, for roleplay purposes
Visual Cat Summon a circle of black cats to serenade the specified avatar
Combat Chain Surround the specified avatar in chains, preventing them from moving (modified cage)
Visual,Combat,Assist,Travel ChkScripts Privately reports on target position, distance and script usage statistics
Travel ClosePortal Close a portal created by the PermPortal spell
Travel Cloud Summon an enchanted cloud from the skies, which will act as a magickal vehicle to convey you and passengers
Visual,Combat,Assist,Travel CtlBuoy Control a SpellBuoy which you have rezzed
Combat Crush Raise two moving walls of rock on either side of the specified target, to crush them (does damage if combat is enabled)
Travel Cushion Summon an enchanted cushion which will act as a magickal vehicle to convey the target/you
Combat Darkness Place a sphere of darkness around the specified avatar’s head, impeding their vision
Combat,Assist,Travel Dash Triple tap the forward key or click a spell button to move at high speed with particle effects
Visual Dazzle Create a field of bright flashing lights around the specified avatar
Combat DelBan Remove ban on the specified avatar
Visual,Combat,Assist,Travel DelBuoy Delete a SpellBuoy which you have rezzed
Travel DelTPDest Delete a landmark stored in the HUD
Visual,Assist Demon Summon a demon to fly in front of the specified avatar (or yourself) and light their way
Visual,Combat,Assist,Travel DeRez Remove items rezzed from the HUD
Combat Detonate Summon the element of fire to explode around the target and all nearby (does damage if combat is enabled)
Combat Disarm Detach another Empower user’s HUD and dispell any spells they have cast. Only works on land you own or where a Land Relay (provided) is rezzed by the land owner
Combat Dissipate Dispell other Empower user’s spells. Only works on land you own or where a Land Relay (provided) is rezzed by the land owner
Combat Dodge Causes you to run around randomly within a 5m radius. Good for dodging weapons fire and zombies/doberman dogs
Travel Dolphin Summon a friendly dolphin to convey you and passengers around the sim
Combat Drag Create a field of magickal power around the target which allows you to drag them around with your mouse
Visual Dragon Create a swarm of dragons flying around the specified avatar, accompanied by an initial “roar”
Combat EarthWall Summon a wall of earth in front of the caster (does damage if combat is enabled)
Combat Egg Conjure a translucent egg around the specified avatar which impedes their movement and allows you to drag them
Combat Eject Push specified avatar up and away to the nearest adjacent parcel. Only works on land you own or where a Land Relay (provided) is rezzed by the land owner
Combat Electro Cast lightning bolts at your target, with push effect when within 10m
Visual Energise Summon your casting particles around the specified avatar or yourself. Useful for parties. (Stamina increase when Spell Fire combat system support is enabled)
Combat Exile Cast the target out of the current sim and prevent them returning. Instant kill on Damage enabled land. Attempts to kill target even in safezone.
Combat Explode The caster bursts into flame, damaging and pushing back nearby avatars (does damage if combat is enabled)
Visual FaerieFire Summon harmless blue flames to crackle around the target
Combat,Assist,Travel FallProtect Summon a cloud to catch you if you start to fall
Visual Farewell Send waves of multicoloured particles to the specified avatar along with a fond farewell message in chat
Visual,Combat Fart Cause the specified avatar to step forward, leaving a cloud of green gas behind and an embarrassing sound
Assist Feast Summon a neverending feast in front of the specified avatar (Spell Fire enabled food)
Combat Fireball Blast the specified avatar with a fireball which will follow them, push them around (does damage if combat is enabled)
Combat FireBlast Flamethrower style flames issue from the mages hands/staff/wand (does damage if combat is enabled)
Combat FireWall Summon a wall of flame in front of the caster (does damage if combat is enabled)
Visual Fish Summon a school of fish to swim harmlessly around the specified avatar
Visual Flame Create magickal flames with crackling sound around the specified avatar
Visual Flare Surround the specified avatar with beams of white light
Visual Flea Surround the specified avatar in a cloud of fleas
Combat,Assist,Travel FlightAssist Fly higher and faster than SL allows by default. Double or triple tap to accelerate
Visual Fog Surround the specified avatar with a cloud of coloured fog
Travel Follow Conjure an enchanted orb which you or others can sit on to follow the specified avatar
Combat Forbid Prevent other Empower users from casting spells on your land and dispell any spells they have cast. Only works on land you own or where a Land Relay (provided) is rezzed by the land owner
Visual Forest Summon an enchanted forest into existence around the specified avatar
Visual Fountain Call forth water from the ground in a fountain which will gently push anyone who walks through it
Combat Freeze Cage the target in a block of ice
Combat Fury Fly around the target, firing at them with an angry expression, eerie music and voices (does damage if combat is enabled)
Travel FwdTP TP 5m (or the distance you specify) forward. Useful for roleplaying through walls or across sim boundaries
Assist GiveMana Transfer mana to the specified avatar
Visual Glow Cast a coloured glowing effect around the specified avatar
Visual Greet Send waves of multicoloured particles to the specified avatar along with a warm greeting message in chat
Travel GroundTP Teleport to ground level immediately below your current location
Visual Halo Place a halo over the specified avatar’s head
Visual Haunt Summon moaning restless spirits around the specified avatar
Assist Heal Conjure a field of healing light around the specified avatar. If they click on it, it will undo any avatar deformation. (Resurrection and healing when Spell Fire combat system support is enabled)
Travel HeightTP Teleport to the specified height
Combat Hellfire Summon a wall of flame around the sim which hurls fiery meteors at objects and people in the sim, setting them on fire upon collision
Visual,Combat,Assist,Travel HitDetect Find out who is firing objects which collide with you (e.g. bullets or other ammunition)
Combat Hornet Summon a ring of 4 hornets to nudge and sting the specified avatar (does damage if combat is enabled)
Combat House Someone acting like a witch? Drop a house on them! Accompanied by spreading “blood” effect and squelching sound
Assist Hug Offer to hug the target of your affection (target must accept your offer)
Visual Invisibility Cast a shell of invisibility around the specified avatar
Travel Invite Send a teleporter (see below) to the specified avatar, which if clicked, will teleport them to you
Assist JackOLantern Summon a Jack o’ Lantern to fly in front of the specified avatar (or yourself) and light their way
Combat Jail Conjure a small stone jail cell around the specified avatar (like the Cage spell)
Travel Join Conjure a teleporter (see below) which, when clicked, will teleport you to the specified avatar
Assist JoLSpeak Project your presence as a glowing Jack o’ Lantern to speak with the specified avatar and anyone within chat range of them
Combat Judgment Open a rift through which demons will issue, attacking all nearby (good for target practise)
Combat Juggernaut Raise a wall of rock which moves away from the caster (does damage if combat is enabled)
Travel JumpDest Jump to coordinates stored in the HUD or specified at casting time
Travel JumpCam Jump the caster to their current camera position, through intervening objects
Visual Label Place a glowing label of your choosing above the specified avatar
Combat Launch Send the specified avatar up hundreds of metres (if no objects intervene)
Assist Lead Send enchanted Butterflies/Fish/Bats to the specified avatar, to lead them to you
Combat Levitate Lift the specified avatar gently in the air, where they will float with an up/down bobbing motion and an eerie sound
Combat Lift Performs a non-physical lift of the avatar. Useful as a shield breaker
Visual Light Summon beams of light around the specified avatar, to banish the dark
Combat LightBlast Glowing white light issues from the mage’s hands/staff/wand (does damage if combat is enabled)
Combat LightBurst A burst of light damages and pushes back those around the mage (does damage if combat is enabled)
Combat LightPulse A pulse of light damages and pushes back those in front of the mage (does damage if combat is enabled)
Combat L’ningBall Blast the specified avatar with ball lightning which will follow them, push them around (does damage if combat is enabled)
Assist Listen Convey all text chat which is heard by the specified avatar
Assist Locate Send a swarm of Butterflies/Fish/Bats towards the specified avatar
Visual Love Summon hearts and a brief kissing sound around the object of your affection (Health and stamina increase for nearby avatars when Spell Fire combat system support is enabled)
Visual,Combat,Assist,Travel Lumen Summon a particle effect with casting animation
Travel MapTP Teleport to a landmark stored in the HUD using the map, with teleport effects
Assist Meditate Conjure a meditation circle, with optional particle effects
Combat Megiddo Generate exploding lava balls and an expanding wave of power that will repel avatars and physical objects
Assist Mimic Allows you to say text as the specified avatar by speaking on a channel which the spell provides
Combat,Assist,Travel MoveLock Prevent yourself being “pushed around” by others – it’s as if you were rooted to the spot, until you walk or fly away
Combat Nudge Give the specified avatar a gentle push one step forward
Visual,Assist Orb Summon an orb of light to float in front of the specified avatar (or yourself) and light their way
Visual Peace Creates a sparkling effect accompanied by fae bells around the specified avatar (Stamina increase when Spell Fire combat system support is enabled)
Combat Permit Allow other Empower users to cast spells on your land (undoes the Forbid spell). Only works on land you own or where a Land Relay (provided) is rezzed by the land owner
Travel PermTP Open a permanent portal to a location stored in the HUD
Combat Plasma Blast the specified avatar with a plasma ball which will follow them, push them around (does damage if combat is enabled)
Assist Platform Conjure a platform under the specified avatar. Useful to stop falling.
Combat Protect Summon a Sphere of Magickal Force around the specified avatar which will repel outsiders in Push enabled areas (does damage if combat is enabled)
Combat Pulse Conjure a field of force around the specified avatar which will repel anyone within a 10m radius
Combat PumpkinHead Project a pumpkin onto the head of the specified avatar
Combat PumpkinPile Surround the specified avatar in a pile of pumpkins, preventing their movement (pumpkin cage spell)
Combat Quake Punch the ground, causing a quake which pushes and damages those within 20m (does damage if combat is enabled)
Visual Rain Summon a rain cloud to rain on the specified avatar
Combat Repel Slowly push the specified avatar away from you to a distance of 10m in a straight line
Assist Resurrect Resurrect dead avatars under Spell Fire meter with a burst of power, or use for roleplay purposes
Combat Retaliate Automatically fire back at anyone who shoots at you
Visual,Combat,Assist,Travel Rez Rez items stored in the HUD (items are included, or add your own)
Travel RezMapTP Rez a teleporter which will allow you and others to go to a destination outside the sim via a map based teleport
Visual,Combat Scatter An illusion which makes you appear to move very fast. Useful for avoiding mouselook weapons, particularly when combined with Dodge
Assist Scry Summon a spirit of knowledge who will seek out information about avatars including online status and “payment info on file”
Visual,Combat,Assist,Travel SendDialog Send a dialog box notification to the specified target. Parameters of dialog can be configured using “/5 dialog”
Combat SendHome Teleport specified avatar home. Only works on land you own or where a Land Relay (provided) is rezzed by the land owner
Travel SendTP Send a teleporter (see below) to the specified avatar, which if clicked, will teleport them to the destination you specify
Combat Shield Cast a protective shield around the specified avatar. Click the shield to sit on it for maximum protection. Includes phase, hide and stealth modes. Will repel avatars who collide with it (does damage if combat is enabled)
Combat,Assist,Travel Shock Push avatars/physical objects which collide with you, even in no-push zones
Combat Shoot Fire enchanted weaponry in the direction you are facing (triggers the HUD’s mouselook weaponry)
Combat Shrink Casts an invisible shell around the target which, when they click on it, reduces their height (fix with Heal spell)
Visual Sink Prompts the specified avatar for permission to animate them and if granted, they vanish into the ground through a cloud of smoke
Combat Siren Summon spell with the sound of the mythical siren, who lured sailors onto rocks
Travel SkyWalk Summon a cloud beneath you to allow you to “walk on air”
Visual,Combat,Assist,Travel SLurl Generate an SLurl for the current location
Combat Smite Raising your hands above your head, lightning flickering between your fingers, a large lightning bolt smites your target
Combat Smother Send a cloud of stifling smoke to smother your target (does damage if combat is enabled)
Visual Spectral Surround the specified avatar with beams of multicoloured light
Visual,Combat,Assist,Travel Spellbuoy Drop a magickal marker at your camera’s location, which shows on your radar (only) as an avatar target (Useful for spell testing and as a Join destination stored outside the HUD)
Combat Spider Summon a cloud of jumping spiders to bite the specified avatar (does progressive damage if combat is enabled)
Visual Spring Conjure a cloud of blue cornflowers to blow in the wind around the specified avatar
Combat Squash Performs a non-physical push downwards. On platforms, can push the avatar below ground. Useful as shield breaker
Assist StopAnim Offer to stop all running animations for the specified avatar (useful if stuck in an animation)
Combat Stun Stun another Empower user. Only works on land you own or where a Land Relay (provided) is rezzed by the land owner
Visual Summer Conjure a cloud of blue butterflies to blow in the wind around the specified avatar
Combat Summon Pull the specified avatar towards you – in a straight line, through intervening objects, over great distances
Travel Tail Follow the specified avatar, staying behind them
Travel Teleport Summon a teleporter (see below) to convey you and others to a preconfigured landmark
Combat Throw Throw the specified avatar away from you – a fast repel
Visual,Combat Tornado Conjure a tornado around the specified avatar, to blow them around (does damage if combat is enabled)
Visual,Combat,Assist,Travel TPFX Prims, particles (poofer), animations and sounds which create a stunning entrance when you teleport into a location
Visual,Combat,Assist,Travel Track Monitor the online/offline status of the specified avatar
Combat Tree Turn the specified avatar into a tree (caged inside a tree)
Visual Twilight Call down a field of darkness, with accompanying configurable sounds
Combat,Assist UnSit Force the specified avatar to stand up from what they are sitting on. Only works on land you own or where a Land Relay (provided) is rezzed by the land owner
Visual,Combat,Assist,Travel UnTrack Stop monitoring the online/offline status of the specified avatar
Combat VampBat Summon a colony of Vampire Bats to attack the specified target (does progressive damage if combat is enabled)
Visual Vanish Prompts the specified avatar for permission to animate them and if granted, animates their avatar below ground, making them appear invisible
Combat Vine With a puff of breath, a handful of seeds will grow vines around the target, holding them in place (Beautiful RP cage spell)
Visual Volcano Twist the ground with magickal force, causing it to erupt in front of the specified avatar into a 50m volcano spewing lava, smoke and fire
Combat Ward Summon a wall of magickal force in front of the specified avatar (or self) to protect them. (does damage if combat is enabled)
Combat Warn Conjure lightning around yourself and warn the specified avatar of your power
Assist Watch Move the camera to watch the specified avatar
Combat Waterball Blast the specified avatar with a waterball which will follow them, push them around. And on damage enabled land will drain their health (does damage if combat is enabled)
Combat Weaponry Go into mouselook and you can hurl lightning bolts, fire balls and other ammunition – compatible with many combat meters
Visual Winter Conjure a cloud of snowflakes to blow in the wind around the specified avatar
Visual,Assist Wisp Summon a Will o’ the Wisp to fly in front of the specified avatar (or yourself) and light their way
Combat Wraith Conjure a wraith to torment the specified avatar (does damage if combat is enabled)
Visual WthrMist Weather summoning spell – summon mist over a 30m area
Visual WthrRain Weather summoning spell – conjures cloud with rain over a 30m area, with sound
Visual WthrStorm Weather summoning spell – conjures cloud with rain, thunder and lightning over a 30m area, with sound
Visual WthrSnow Weather summoning spell – conjures cloud with snow over a 30m area
Visual WthrWind Weather summoning spell – summon gusts of wind over a 30m area, with push
Combat Zap Summon a ball of energy to blast the specified avatar with a sizzling lightning bolt (does damage and may kill if combat is enabled)
Choose from the following teleporters for use with Teleport, Join, Invite, GroundTP, HeightTP, FwdTP, RezMapTP and SendTP spells

TPType Description
BigCrystal Giant crystal teleporter, suitable for very large avatars (e.g. dragons)
Crystal An enchanted crystalline field
Dark A dark red septagram circle with animations for target and passengers
DarkPortal A swirling black and red void
DarkSigil A dark red sigil circle with animations for target and passengers
Fae A golden septagram circle with animations for target and passengers
FirePortal A large flickering flame
MerPortal A swirling water vortex
Mirror An enchanted mirror
Mushroom A ring of mushrooms (a fairy circle) grows out of the ground
Portal A colourful portal
Rift A large spatial rift with particle effects and lightning
Sigil A sigil circle with animations for target and passengers
Skulls Skulls rise out of the ground to convey you
Trilithon The bones of the earth rise to form a stone arch
Vortex Colour configurable particle vortex
Warp A small whooshing spatial rift