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Land Spell Relay Guide

The Deluxe, Combat and Assist packs for the Empower HUD provide special abilities to land owners, found under the Land tab.
Spells are provided for the usual parcel powers – Eject, SendHome, UnSit, AddBan and DelBan.  If you are also an Estate Manager, the AddBan/DelBan spells will operate on both the Parcel and Estate ban lists.

Of the above spells, the Assist pack only provides the UnSit spell, whilst the Deluxe and Combat packs provide all spells, including the following, which act on other Empower users:

Spell Description
Disarm Detach another Empower user’s HUD and dispell any spells they have cast
Dissipate Dispell other Empower user’s spells
Forbid Prevent other Empower users from casting spells on your land and dispell any they have cast so far
Permit Allow other Empower users to cast spells on your land (undoes the Forbid spell)
Stun Stun another Empower user.  Plays a “dead” animation for 10 seconds, dispells any spells they have cast and resets their HUD

Configuring the Land Spell Relay

If your land is group owned, or you wish to allow others to use the Land Spells whilst on your land, you will need to set up the Empower Land Spell Relay included with your HUD.

If your land is owned by someone else (e.g. you rent land, or the land owner wishes you to be able to use these land powers) then the land owner will need to rez the Empower Land Spell Relay and configure it for your use, or you can configure it by following these instructions and give it to the land owner to rez for you.

To set up the relay, click on Utility->Rez->{LandRelay} from your Empower HUD.  The Land Spell Relay will rez as a golden globe at your feet.  Ensure you are in the same group which owns the land when you rez it, edit the Config notecard enclosed to specify who should be able to use land spells, then deed the relay to the group.  The relay will tell you when you rez it, or deed it, whether it is in the correct group.

Detailed steps to achieve this are as follows:

Make sure your current active group is the one which owns the land you are on and you have rights to deed objects to that group and edit group objects

  1. Click on Utility->Rez->{LandRelay} on your Empower HUD.  It will appear at your feet as a small golden ball.  Move the relay to an inconspicuous location.
  2. Right click the relay and select Edit to open the Edit window
  3. Click the Content tab of the Edit window
  4. Double click the Config notecard to open it for editing
  5. Replace “Blackdog Ashbourne” in the config notecard with your name and the names of any other Empower “Adepts” who you wish to be able to cast land spells (one name per line)
  6. Save the Content notecard.  The relay will read it and list the names of the users to whom you have granted access
  7. Click the General tab of the Edit window
  8. Double check that the Group specified is the same group which owns the land.  If not, click the Set button to set it appropriately
  9. Tick the box labelled “Share with group”
  10. Press the “Deed…” button

NOTE that once deeded, any user with “Edit Group Objects” permission in your group can edit the Config notecard and reconfigure the spell relay, so check your group roles and ensure that this permission is only assigned to people who should be able to edit the relay and give this permission out sparingly.

If you do not own the land, the Land Spell Relay comes with transfer permissions, so you can give it to the land owner along with a copy of these instructions and have them rez and configure it for you (or you can configure it before giving it to them so they just need to rez it and deed it).

Configuring the Reflect feature

The Config notecard contains a line which reads:


If you uncomment this line by deleting the // at the beginning of it, then any attempts to cast a land spell on another user listed in the Config notecard will result in the spell reflecting back on the caster.  This can be useful if there are a bunch of you with special powers who should not be able to cast these spells on each other.

Configuring Estate Bans

By default, the Land Spell Relay will attempt to modify both the Estate and Parcel ban lists when you use the AddBan/DelBan spells.  You can configure it to only perform parcel level bans by uncommenting the following line in the Config notecard:


Note that Estate bans will only work if the Land Spell Relay is owned by an Estate manager.  If the Land Spell Relay is deeded to group, you will need to rez an Estate Ban Relay by clicking Utility->Rez->{EstateRly} on your Empower HUD.  If you are not an estate manager, you will need to give the Estate Ban Relay to an Estate Manager (it is transferrable) and have them rez it for you.

Configuring Mana parameters

The Land Spell Relay can enforce Mana mode for all Empower users in your sim.  This is useful if your RP depends on your Empower users having Mana mode switched on.  The following line in the Config notecard control this:

//RegionCmd=HUD manalock 10 5 10

Uncommenting this line will enforce mana mode with the default settings (ManaIncFreq=10, ManaIncAmt=5, ManaDecAmt=10) for all Empower users in your sim.  You can change the parameters to levels which are suited to your roleplay.  Settings are enforced when an Empower user teleports in or wears their HUD in your sim, so when you first turn it on, they may need to detach/reattach their HUD to enforce mana.  They will regain their ability to turn off mana mode on their HUD when they leave your sim.


The AddBan and DelBan functions on the Land tab of the Empower HUD allow you to ban users from the parcel where the Land Spell Relay is placed.

If you own multiple parcels, or own land across sims and want your bans to apply across all of your land, you will need to perform some extra steps.


If you have land in multiple sims and want your bans to propagate across sims, you will need to add an extra line to the Config notecard of each Land Spell Relay in order to link them together.

When you rez or touch a Land Spell Relay, it will provide you with the command which you need to enter into the Config notecard of the other Land Spell Relays which you are linking to this one.  It will be of the form:
Where xxxxx… represents the key of the linked relay.
Simply edit the Config notecard of each Land Spell Relay and add in the LINKEDRELAY= line provided by the other relay(s).  You may need to do this before deeding the relay to group, if on group owned land.

As an example, if you have relays in Sim1, Sim2 and Sim3:

  • The relay in Sim1 needs the LINKEDRELAY= line provided by the relays in Sim2 and Sim3
  • The relay in Sim2 needs the LINKEDRELAY= line provided by the relays in Sim1 and Sim3
  • The relay in Sim3 needs the LINKEDRELAY= line provided by the relays in Sim1 and Sim2

i.e. each relay needs the information on all other relays to which it is linked.


If you have multiple parcels within a sim which you wish the bans to apply to, you will need to rez an Empower Ban Spell Relay on each parcel other than the one containing the Land Spell Relay.  You can do this by clicking Utility->Rez->{BanRelay} on your Empower HUD.

The Ban Spell Relay requires no configuration other than ensuring it has the same ownership (or is deeded to the same group) as the Land Spell Relay

If you own multiple parcels across multiple sims, then a combination of linking Land Spell Relays and rezzing Ban Spell Relays on additional parcels within each sim will cover you.

If your land is owned by someone else (e.g. you rent land, or the land owner wishes you to be able to use these land powers) then the land owner will need to rez the Empower Land Spell Relay and configure it for your use.